The Rainbow Clan are the Sacred Multi-Colored Auras of the Blue in You and Me, our Relation or family. Each of us carry Four Sacred Directions, the Circle of Colors; the Rainbow reflects off the Ocean Blue. Born from these lights We are Perfect Children Within. Each of us carry a Dream seeking Love. The Path we follow are the Four Sacred Directions or Seasons which vibrate in our Garment of Lights the Holy Temple, where Truth is written in the Book of Life within each of us! We belong to the Rainbow Clan of Oneness. These unseen colors guide us towards our mission. Learn to how to stay safe during the up and coming evolutionary changes!
There is a Returning happening all over the world as we are feeling a quickening within all of us. When the world is facing financial breakdowns and land control, how will we bring freedom home to our People around the world, even our own families? When you come home to be the Rainbow Warrior of Prophecy? Be blessed and help the world survive, learn to walk the sacred way. New tools for a new time, Heaven is upon us and now. How long will it take to get our street people into homes? When you come home to them as the time of Brotherhood greet our days, the travelers who will keep care of you....keepers Arise! Warriors of Prophecy are coming Home. Are your Ready? We are....listen up!
Title: Magic In the Air (Holiness Peace Prayer Song)
Sung: White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother
Drum: Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star

The pureness of love is the law. The spiraling tongue of the snake and we are bond to it's law, that love stands upon the ground. But we don't look at this way, we think that it's all for play, and we can't see what has been, cause we think we are always going to win.
But stronger than us exists out there, and evolution has it's call. And if you think you don't know the way, then you should call on those who care to play, with love and law and it's return, the Rainbow Warriors who will care. We will make you choose wrong or right, and then you can count on our care.
We are the ones who come your way, to teach you that love is not a game, it's law that rules all over the land, and Great Mother is here to stand. She is the love you counted on. She is the one who never failed. She always come when you call, even if you think it was not her.
And when do you think the marriage will end? I don't think time will ever win. For law lives inside of you, and you can't and won't divide the fuse. For we belong to each other everything, and you can't take it home and change. The only thing that keeps us solid and true, is love and that's the only rule.
Now I say, if you want a new day, you will fight with the one who always displays. You tell them that law is here to stay, and woman is here to show you the way. For she is the heart of everyone, and she is here to show you love, but man you need come home to win, to teach all the children how to swim.
But the sky, will be blind, and if you don't know how to shine, the fire that's inside, then you won't have a way, to survive the dawning day, when all will be blown away, the fire will catch throughout the land, and we shall come home to stand.
Now, it's the way of love again. And if you think you can win, then we will see you go away, only to save you on another day. But we will take you here to say, that love is here and always wins. And when you return home again, then we will all know how to swim. The blue of the sea to see, and we can have all shores to believe, that we could travel everywhere and have relatives who will surely play. And when we come home with law again, the play will be without sin, and we shall be like children again.
And we shall love and believe. The day of dawn is coming home, and those who claim the ultimate throne, will serve their hearts and never die, for eternal will always be in the sky. And brotherhood will be everywhere, because sisterhood will care like they should. And women everywhere, will start to make law where it counts. To love men more than yourself, to offer and teach him like you should, that a heart means more than your sin, and no matter how far you think you could win.
Just put your hate away, and learn to forgive again. but speak your heart like you should, and tell them how you could. But that you will choose a better way, just like they need to collide this day, for they will come home to thank your heart, for caring and giving them a smart (stinging). And we will be one happy family, we fight then make up like we should, then we are loving each and every day, and we come home and play lovingly.
My family, you have so much to care, there inside you should care, and if we choose to love again, then we could all come home and win. But to those who chose another way, then we say, good riddens (welcome relief) for the sky. For they will live law when the day, comes to forsake (give up, renounce) and display (law of fire, the red). It's time to come and hide your sin, like you forgive and let it go in the wind. Not hide your heart because you said, but to go where there is no hate. And we will hide with you, when darkness is complete, and when you think no one can sea, we will be there who will be strong and true.
We will lift your hand and say, grab right on it, my hand and it's display. I'll grab you now and then, if you only catch me in the breeze. But if you don't reach towards me again, then you will have to wait to win, because love is always unity, and when you choose hate, you always catch the blood. For the Red is love it's said, and you don't know what's the way, for only love will light your lift, and only fire will purify. So if you want to know how to win, count on Rainbow Soldiers who are true, who come when no one is around, to save you especially when you're down. And I know the day,will come, to teach all of us how to swim, to fly through the air again, to be the greatest we have ever been.
It's DAWNING everyone, the place we always dreamed. For the beginning to the end of time, the magic of this time. We are going where perfection lives, inside our hearts and inside our minds. To be pure and know love and light. To be great and true to all the plight. And we will only know the way, the true Soldiers who display, the LAW of LOVE throughout the land, from shore to distant shore and back again!
Sending law of love to all my relatives, and when you come to receive the love that God has sent to thee, then you will learn how Great you are and how perfectly you see, the Rainbow Colors that garment only yee. Now, if you want the truth, come home to me every time, but if you want the false report then walk away and be blind, as Great Spirit are coming home to stand and all who walk this way, will be judged for their open heart and not what was said yesterday. Come home and be the perfect warrior who stands, on the truth of righteousness and all who come to this land. The law of love is coming home, will you come and see the way. I hope and pray you will find your way, to receive all you believe. email whitebuffalocalwoman@gmail.com, your twindeermother, especially since it's free...
Sow we bid you adieu (I commend you to God) and know we love you for God is only the blue of me and you. (oceans of tears, the sacred waters that flow between me and you) Aho, may your spirit fly...